terça-feira, 21 de abril de 2009

A lovelly beginning- Vic Ruggiero

i drove my car through a soot black night
the radio was playin' something trite
i put my hair in a sultry pose
a veil of powder lay upon her nose
but what was that look you had upon your face?
he said i'll meet you in the same old place
her eyes were glassy and her lips expressed
and air of cultivated confidence

and i said
that all i ever really wanted from you
something to show that what i felt was true
something to show that maybe love was real
a sorry end to a lovely beginning

i asked you why you never treat me right
after she punched me in the face that night
i guess you're lucky that i couldn't punch
i little fist thing didn't hurt that much
still when she kicked it took me by surprise
i grabbed the wheel as if to make us crash
i said don't fuck around why we drive
you held me tight to make me stop at last

and she said
that all i ever really wanted from you
something to show that what i felt
something to show that maybe love was winning
and why's it ending when it should be beginning?

so tell me do you love this girl?
i said i guess and saw her fingers curl
the day had once again dissolved the night
she said at least then will you treat her right
was it a blessing or was it a curse?
her eyes were squinted and her lips were pursed
i guess i won't see you for a while
so just don't call in your usual style

and she said
that all i ever really wanted from you
something to show that maybe love was true
something to show that maybe love was winning
and why's it ending when it should be beginning?

that all i ever really wanted from you
something to show that what i felt was true
something to show that maybe love was winning
and why's it ending when it should be beginning?


Apesar da ressaca assombrosa, tudo caminha bem no feriado...
Pensando em como o amor é lindo, pleno e faz nosso dia mais bonito!
Ah, se não tem rosa vermelha, agora to pintando de canetinha!
Não é nenhum comercial de margarina não, é só redução de neurose mesmo.
Sozinha e feliz, sempre! E hoje sem arrependimentos por qualquer coisa que eu tenha feito e que me trouxe até essa estrada, que nesse momento, é a melhor estrada que eu poderia trilhar!
É isso ai, se precisava de "ego boost" consegui e, estou achando o máximo ver o que tem acontecido quando se consegue aceitar os elogios que se recebe!
Acendeu uma luzinha no meu coração!
Não poderia estar mais confortável que agora!
Beijo e mordida e abraço e carinho pra todo mundo, quem vai querer?! Hoje é o dia que meu lado soft resolveu tomar conta hehehehe!

Volver- Alfredo Le Pera

Yo adivino el parpadeo
De las luces que a lo lejos
Van marcando mi retorno...
Son las mismas que alumbraron
Con sus palidos reflejos
Hondas horas de dolor..

Y aunque no quise el regreso,
Siempre se vuelve al primer amor..
La vieja calle donde el eco dijo
Tuya es su vida, tuyo es su querer,
Bajo el burlon mirar de las estrellas
Que con indiferencia hoy me ven volver...

Volver... con la frente marchita,
Las nieves del tiempo platearon mi sien...
Sentir... que es un soplo la vida,
Que veinte años no es nada,
Que febril la mirada, errante en las sombras,
Te busca y te nombra.
Vivir... con el alma aferrada
A un dulce recuerdo
Que lloro otra vez...

Tengo miedo del encuentro
Con el pasado que vuelve
A enfrentarse con mi vida...
Tengo miedo de las noches
Que pobladas de recuerdos
Encadenan mi soñar...

Pero el viajero que huye
Tarde o temprano detiene su andar...
Y aunque el olvido, que todo destruye,
Haya matado mi vieja ilusion,
Guardo escondida una esperanza humilde
Que es toda la fortuna de mi corazón.

Volver... con la frente marchita,
Las nieves del tiempo platearon mi sien...
Sentir... que es un soplo la vida,
Que veinte años no es nada,
Que febril la mirada, errante en las sombras,
Te busca y te nombra.
Vivir... con el alma aferrada
A un dulce recuerdo
Que lloro otra vez...